Individual and group accompaniment

To live is to travel through different landscapes. Some of them are external, and many others are internal.
Sometimes they are pleasant and easy grounds, sometimes they are foreign and more difficult. We learn as we walk, even if sometimes it is really difficult for us to know how to do it or our emotional fragility makes it impossible for us to do it.
And in these landscapes, there are different seasons, which bring us cycles, changes, internal deaths and rebirths: We search, we find, we live, we let go and we search again, find, live and let go. But how painful, heavy and abrupt these changes can be! Or they can be very inspiring but uncertainty or confusion can derail us.
If you would like to know what your inner landscape is like, what valleys they inhabit, what it is like for you to walk them, how to learn to walk them in a kinder way, or if you are going through a major life change and feel that you need support and/or clarity to be able to walk it in a more conscious and healthy way, I offer individual accompaniment in Banyoles (Pla de l'Estany) in a private consultance but it is also possible to do outdoor sessions, in a natural, accessible and safe environment.
If you want to know from where I accompany and what inspires me to do it, you can find out more here.
In case you find it easier or more convenient, please note that I can provide this accompaniment in English, but also in Catalan, Spanish, Italian and French.
If the proposal resonates with you and you'd like to know more, don't hesitate to contact me and we'll see what's possible! And if you have any doubts, questions or concerns, I'm here too!